CBD and Anxiety: Can CBD Help with Anxiety?


The question on ‘can CBD help with anxiety’ lacks some scientific evidence. However, while some people turn to other natural supplements, others have successfully used the best CBD oil for anxiety regularly.

Many people share frequent struggles with anxiety, depression, or stress. The excellent thing is there are more alternatives than prescription drugs to help you relax and deal with the difficult problems caused by these health disorders.

While some people turn to other natural supplements, others have successfully used CBD products regularly. Although nothing distinguishes one CBD oil from another when it comes to lowering anxiety, when you select a high-quality product, you seek to profit the most.

How Can CBD Help with Anxiety?

In general, studies such as this case report highlights the promise of the best CBD oil for anxiety while also highlighting the absence of clinical trials on the substance in the field of psychiatric studies and the want for additional studies in this area.

The human body contains a wide variety of receptors. Your cells have chemical structures called receptors that are made of proteins. Different stimuli cause them to receive signals.

CB1 and CB2 receptors are known to interact with CBD. The peripheral and nervous system and central nervous systems, respectively, contain the majority of these receptors.

It is unclear exactly how CBD impacts CB1 brain receptors. It might, however, change serotonin signals. Serotonin, a neurotransmitter, plays an important role in your mental health. Do those who have depression have low levels of serotonin? A serotonin deficiency in some situations can also bring on anxiety.

What The Research Says

It’s unclear how CBD combats anxiety at the time. According to some studies, it might function by modifying serotonin levels in the brain. Some research suggests CBD may be effective in treating depression. However, there aren’t very many human investigations. To be certain, more study is required. According to studies, CBD may cure depression and anxiety by changing serotonin levels.

The body contains a substance called serotonin that affects:

  • Mood
  • Depression
  • Mood
  • Behavior

According to research, elevating serotonin levels may be beneficial for treating anxiety. Some drugs, like antidepressants, control serotonin levels, and some research indicates that CBD may function similarly to anti-anxiety and antidepressant drugs.

If you are using antidepressants along with CBD, consult with your doctor first.

How to Use CBD For Anxiety


If you want to reduce your anxiety, knowing the CBD dosage to attempt can be tough. The CBD dosage is probably influenced by your weight, individual biology, and metabolism.

The dosage required to experience the anti-anxiety impacts is still unknown. While most over-the-counter Cannabis products have labeling that recommends 10-15 mg daily, most research employed 300-400 mg doses daily.

CBD Gummies

One of the simplest CBD products is CBD gummies, which you chew and consume like every other gummy. Although some people do find it a little tiring, you can take CBD at any time of the day.

If it applies to you, you might wish to take them before falling asleep.

CBD Capsules

These tablets or soft gels are swallowed one at a time like pills. However, it’s advisable to consult with your doctor before you begin using them.

How Much CBD Do I Need to Treat Anxiety?

It can be challenging to find commercially accessible products with the same level of CBD, as the organization National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) notes, since scientific trials on CBD employ large doses of the substance.

For instance, many CBD businesses recommend using 20 mg of CBD per day, while the 2018 study referenced earlier indicated that the best CBD oil for anxiety was only effective in doses of 300 mg. Taking 300 mg of CBD daily would probably be expensive.

The basic rule of CBD (and THC) is to “start small and go slow.” It entails starting with a little dose each day, such as 10 or 20 mg, and then gradually increasing it till you have relief. In this manner, you arrive at the lowest effective dose that provides benefit while having the lowest possibility of negative effects.

Consult a physician who is familiar with CBD to discuss the dose. Anytime you consider utilizing a healthy lifestyle product, like CBD, it’s a good idea to consult a doctor.

Checking with your physician can be especially crucial if you currently take the anti-anxiety medication.

How Well Does CBD Work Compared to Other Anxiety Treatments?

It’s difficult to say. As compared to anti-anxiety drugs and talk therapy, the evidence for CBD’s ability to reduce anxiety is inadequate. It’s still unknown because there hasn’t been enough research comparing CBD oil for anxiety to other anxiety medications.

There has been some evidence to support the idea that using CBD as a supplemental medicine may reduce the symptoms of anxiety. For instance, it’s discovered that CBD reduced some anxiety symptoms in an autistic person who was taking it for the symptoms.

Side Effects of Using CBD for Anxiety

Additionally, using CBD has potential hazards. Despite generally being well tolerated, CBD can have negative side effects. CBD is regarded as safe for intake by people. However, some individuals may have a few adverse consequences, including:

  • Diarrhea
  • Loss of appetite or weight
  • Fatigue
  • Nauseous and vomiting

The review above highlights that there is no evidence to show that CBD could make anxiety or associated symptoms worse. But it’s crucial to consult with a doctor if you believe that using CBD makes your anxiety worse.

Other drugs you are taking, like blood thinners, may also interact with CBD. It’s important to remember that CBD can react with several drugs, especially those with a grapefruit caution. CBD and grapefruit both have an impact on the enzymes in the liver. It implies that certain medications will be processed differently by your liver, which may result in negative effects.


So, can CBD help with anxiety? Some people contend that CBD relieves their anxiety. Additionally, studies suggest that the best CBD oil for anxiety may have anti-anxiety effects. However, there hasn’t been enough research done to be certain. Before using a new health medication, including CBD, it’s right to advise you to consult your doctor.

Numerous evidence-based therapeutic alternatives are available even if CBD has not been scientifically proven to reduce anxiety.

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